
Skyzhay: NBA 2K22 includes an RPG-like pointing cursor

NBA 2K22 includes an RPG-like pointing cursor

26 Nov 2021 in 01:20am

On the defensive Nba 2k22 Mt side in the back, the computer's defense and additional defense actions are faster and more violent, and the success rate of jumps with force and pick-androll cuts is considerably reduced. To finish the offense with greater ease, players may have to employ more sophisticated strategies.

The most significant update in the next-generation version is the "City of Basketball" in the Mode of Community. The "City of Basketball" in NBA 2K22 has been reintroduced to the community mode for 2K18 19. Combining the main storyline with the massive "Basketball City", players have to expand their commercial spheres of influence with side jobs such as fashion and music in addition to their basketball career. To become an NBA player with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physicality, artistic and labor.

The game plot of this game follows the same game plot used in games from 2K series. The AI, Junior DJ as well as other characters used by players who played in previous generations also become NPCs for this game. The plot of the story is extensive, but the quality of the script interpretation is indeed fluctuating, and some plots don't have logic. This is not a good thing for the model of career that is based on substituting.

The endorsements of players in NBA 2K22 are categorized into 10 brand attributes. The players accumulate levels of brand attributes through various plot-related tasks as well as community events and post-match interviews. Only by meeting sufficient number of fans and brand attribute levels will they be able to obtain the corresponding endorsement qualifications.

It also increases the game time for players outside the arena. NBA 2K22 includes an RPG-like pointing cursor for various side tasks, but running on an electric scooter in "Basketball City" remains a painful affair, and the duration and rewards do not seem to be very effective. Proportional.

The next-generation buy 2k22 mt model of is still in the experimental stage. NBA 2K hopes to bring players a completely different experience than this version, but these modifications aren't palatable to everyone. For many basketball fans, NBA 2K is the only choice. Who can make the joy of boys this easy?

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