
FryeJacob: Ochocinco will break down the game

Ochocinco will break down the game

28 Okt 2021 in 03:04am
Diggs isn't the only player to Mut 22 coins notice his ratings shifting in this update to Madden 22's Roster.

When will the additional Roster Update player rating changes be made public?

Although it's not officially announced, we've observed that the most recent Madden 22 Roster Updates start at 11am ET on Thursdays every week.

The initial announcements are usually made on social media. Sometimes, they are featured on The Checkdown or on the official NFL account.

Ochocinco will break down the game and buy Madden 22 coins will highlight four players that saw changes this week. We will also highlight the key plays that made those changes.

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