
CLM: How well activated carbon dealers sell in China

How well activated carbon dealers sell in China

9 Okt 2021 in 05:43am
The results show that the adsorption isotherms of Zn2' and Cd by modified activated carbon are in good agreement with the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models.
By fitting the kinetic equation of Zn2 adsorption with modified activated carbon, it was found that the first 30min of the adsorption reaction was in line with the Lagergren quasi-first-order reaction, and the second order reaction was in line with the latter.
The adsorption of Cd by modified activated carbon was a Lagergren quasi-first order reaction in the first 20 minutes.powdered activated carbon supplier
The reaction after adsorption for 20min belongs to the Lagergren quasi-second order reaction.www.chinactivecarbon.com/ a href="https://www.chinactivecarbon.com/">activated carbon pellets wholesale

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