
CLM: Activated carbon gold absorption effect

Activated carbon gold absorption effect

29 Marz 2021 in 08:38am
However, there are also some disadvantages 1) it is highly corrosive to equipment; (2) it pollutes the environment, etc., which makes the chemical method limited to a certain extent.
There are many researches on activation by adding H3P04 at home and abroad. In China, the development and research work of preparing activated carbon by using phosphoric acid method with wood chips as raw material has been carried out since the end of 1980s,It has been successfully put into industrial application in the 1990s,The mesopore (transition pore) structure of products produced by phosphoric acid activation method is well developed and has wide application fields.A kind of activated carbon material suitable for oil and gas recovery system by adsorption method was selected according to the design requirements.
The main equipment of oil and gas recovery system by activated carbon adsorption method, the activated carbon tank, is designed and calculated, and its strength is checked.
The flowchart of the oil and gas recovery system by activated carbon adsorption in the laboratory of Environmental Engineering Department is also drawn, and the system is simulated in three dimensional.
Finally, the economic and technical analysis of activated carbon oil and gas recovery technology is carried out, and it is considered that the application of activated carbon adsorption oil and gas recovery system will bring obvious social benefits, bulk powdered activated charcoalenvironmental benefits and economic benefits, and has a wide application prospect.Deep desulfurization of transportation fuels is receiving increasing attention in theresearch community worldwide due to increasingly stringent regulations and fuelspecifications in many countries for environmental protection purpose. The traditionalhydrodesulfurization process (HDS) is highly efficient in removing thiols and sulfides, but itis less effective for thiophenes and thiophene derivatives. Ultra-deep desulfurization isbecoming even more formidable challenge for HDS with the decreasing lower sulfur in fuels.Therefore, non-hydrodesulfurization technique of liquid fuels has caused intensive concernsfor ultra-deep desulfurization. Recently, the adsorption desulfurization technique and catalyticoxidation-adsorption desulfurization technique have drawn much attention at home andabroad due to its mild reaction condition,low production cost and little environmentalpollutioz. This thesis focuses on the researches of application of activated carbon fiber inadsorption and oxidation-adsorption removal of thiophenic sulfur compounds from oils.www.wyactivatedcarbon.com

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