
CLM: Structure of activated carbon

Structure of activated carbon

18 Marz 2021 in 04:16am
The commonly used reagent for activated carbon deactivation is a long chain aliphatic compound, such as stearic acid, oleic acid, undecanoic acid, octadecane, octadecanamine, etc., among which the most common is stearic acid.
The specific methods are as follows: take activated carbon into the appropriate container, with 1.5% to make lipoacid ethanol solution immersed, 1 hour after stirring, diluted with 9 times the amount of distilled water under the titration, decompression filtration, washed with distilled water three times, filtered after air drying or vacuum drying, standby.Preparation method of granular activated carbon is mainly physical activation method [12 and chemical activation method [3.821]. Physical activation method is to dry, carbonized materials will be first, and then carbonized material crushing, then add to the crushing carbonized material, the binder and its mixing, forming and drying grain charcoal, then the granular activated carbon under a certain temperature, the final results of dry granular activated carbon products. The method commonly used activation main gas water vapor and carbon dioxide [20] [l ⒂ 5]. The physical activation method is characterized by high activation temperature (generally at about 900 ℃), the equipment investment is large, step trival,
But the pollution to the environment is relatively small.Chemical activation method is to mix raw materials with chemicals in a certain proportion, impregnation for a period of time, kneading and plasticizing at an appropriate temperature, and then carbonization and activation are completed in one step.
The chemicals commonly used are ZNC12, H5PO and KOH.dxd activated carbon
At present, more research is done on H;
PO4 activation method, the technological process is shown in Figure 1-2.
Chemical activation process is characterized by low activation temperature (generally 400-600℃), easy to adjust the pore structure of the product.coal based granular activated carbon

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