
CLM: Activation mechanism of activated carbon

Activation mechanism of activated carbon

13 Marz 2021 in 08:21am
The activated carbon used for air purification is made from high quality coal by Catalytic Activation and refining. It is black columnar particles, non-toxic and tasteless, and has the characteristics of strong adsorption ability and easy desorption, widely used in gas adsorption solvent recovery, indoor gas purification, industrial waste gas management,
According to its use, heavy machinery can be roughly divided into mining equipment, lifting equipment, narrow gauge transport equipment, crushing and grinding equipment, mining screening equipment, washing equipment and roasting equipment and other 7 categories, 30 small categories, more than 700 varieties and thousands of specifications.Coal-based activated carbon has a microcrystalline structure, the microcrystalline arrangement is completely irregular, there are micropores in the crystal (diameter is less than 20 [angstroms] =10-10 meters)
Cross the hole (20 ~ 1000 cattle release), big hole (1000 ~ 100000), make it has a lot of the inner surface, specific surface area of 500 ~ 1700 m2 / go to determine the coal activated carbon has good adsorption, can adsorption of metal ions in waste water granular activated carbon priceand exhaust gas and harmful gas, organic pollutants, such as pigment,dxdcarbon.com 'coal activated carbon in industrial application also requires a large mechanical strength, wear-resisting performance is good, its structural stability, adsorption Song can your small, for regeneration.

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