
CLM: Ding Xin Da global activated carbon quality

Ding Xin Da global activated carbon quality

10 Marz 2021 in 04:26am
Ding Xinda activated carbon performance indicators using the national standard method after grinding the measured value is larger than the ungrinded value, in which the iodine value of the powder test is 50~130 mg/g larger than the particle test value: the phenol value of the powder test is 10~-40 mg/g larger than the particle test value, and the correlation coefficient between the powder test value and the particle test value is not high.www.dxdcarbon.com/ /a>
It shows that there is a certain difference between the powdery performance index and the granular activated charcoal costperformance index of activated carbon, and it is necessary to test the granular performance index of Dingxinda activated carbon.

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