
CLM: Research Report on coal-based Activated Carbon

Research Report on coal-based Activated Carbon

9 Marz 2021 in 08:18am
Coal-based activated carbon is a kind of black powder granular or pellet-like Amorphous carbon with porous carbon and a small amount of hydrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine also has fine graphite-like structure. Iwww.dxdcarbon.com/product/china-supplier-coconut-shell-activated-carbon-price-per-tont has a large surface area (500 ~ 1000 m 2/g) only with a small grain and irregular stacking between layers. It has a strong adsorption ability to adsorb gas liquid or colloidal solid on its surface. Sentence is too long, pwww.yrdcarbon.com/products/activated-carbon/lease supply a shorter sentence.

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