
Weismart: Does the barrows special only work when you've got the whole set?

Does the barrows special only work when you've got the whole set?

25 Febr 2021 in 01:11am
What is the best pk'ing pure? I know range/2h'ers are unworthy in f2p, but about p2p? This could be an account which has absolutely everything that it needs, with OSRS gold no cash limitations at all. I'm sure I will have additional questions, but this for starters. If anyone needs pictures of the way I obtained the free membership I screen-shotted it and it is still on my desktop computer. Not certain why I got it, maybe it had been a test for something they are offering in the long run?

Are my claws worth selling? I only have 1.5M spare besides my claws. Slayer. What is worth it? D-chain or berserker ring? What is better? SS and above or a fury? Barrows:If I do black sallies, then for Karil/Ahrim, what if I put on? If a ss has the very same stats as a whip, why can it be good for slaying? It's like no defense with it? Is your ss's particular great? What is better? How long could a d-def take to get?

Does the barrows special only work when you've got the whole set? Is there anything you would say is well worth doing and is fun? For slayer, I discovered that the Cannon can attack and you could also attack. Should I choose one to every undertaking? What exactly does my inv. Look like for slayer? What exactly does my inv. /equipment look like for barrows (Black sallies) How can I do it? Better to stove or melee Ahrims/Karils? Can you havea guide for sallies? How exactly do I do them? Should I market my claws for money and equipment? If I want to kill green dragoners or green dragon bots... what is the best method?

Any tactics/set anything and ups to cheap RS gold know about them. I could have Earth Wave. Bridding: How/what do I hybrid in a safe minigame? White FFA... any good combos? W/o ancients. Only want to fool around. I know how to produce the rift bots skull but what about the deeper bots? Can I alter helms everytime I change my design? (Just Like Berserker to Archer to Farseer) What equipment do I purchase? (Like baskets, etc.) Food, any armor? I would like to stock up properly as I want to perform slayer as much as I can.

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