
bestrsgoldfast: Like RS3 even is getting into rsgoldfast

Like RS3 even is getting into rsgoldfast

15 Jan 2021 in 04:25am
Makes me quite mad really, I have been an osrs stan since 2015 but recently tried rs3. It's a great deal going for it, the MTX is OSRS gold literally in every aspect of this game sadly but it's got a lot of fun and charm for this.

If material and devs are focused on player retention and gaining new players due to sheer quality, that's a bloody good thing. I believe Jagex already knew that OSRS are the principal driver of profits without the cashcow mechanisms, but are tinkering with all the RS3 playerbase.

It is not broken in the minute, and it is a fragile thing. The'future of Jagex' is not attempting to accelerate the process we are seeing for the two games, it is about keeping the momentum moving without breaking it. It is obviously working as is in the present time.

I'd indeed very happily play OSRS' gameloop in a similar styled futuristic universe. I am unsure how many others would but I definitely would love that #censored#. I remember I used to google all of the time back then as a child hoping for mechscape leaks/updates (Although I seem to recall the project having another alias too but I can't recall it today, I think it began with an s or a a).

Like RS3 even is getting into buy runescape mobile gold handling multiple planes/planets/worlds, doing the same using a mechscape would not be too out of this question. And skills can be altered in name. Hell, we can even go more adorable star or star wars motivated and still have magic.

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