
Nanlina: The post was a point to show that 2k actually pumps #censored# into their game

The post was a point to show that 2k actually pumps #censored# into their game

3 Jan 2021 in 07:49am
We do have a 2K21 MT fantastic number of legends, with much more coming tomorrow. Supserstars has been disappointing but there is an opportunity we get home rules to get a free one, and kickoff promo should be great this year.Heat test cards aren't valuable at all, and madden has powerups for every elite at the sport, plus much more in depth team building and strategy, in addition to 2k always having the most poisonous online metà of sports games.

The post was a point to show that 2k actually pumps #censored# into their game. 2k releases promos on a weekly basis. Then there is the 11 legends. Then there's the celebrity mvps.

2k is also absolute trash that the shooting is awful that the defense is laughable can not contest shots without filthy calls The 85 Kobe can't even earn a layup if it is even slightly contested.And you can not even junk pick and roll because the major man literally has no clue where to go and when he does it right the ball either get stolen or you overlook the simple layup with 18% competition.

This is the worst basketball game I have ever played period. I have been trying to request a refund on Microsoft. How can you take one step forward and two steps back? Wtf is with all the new shot meter? It's terrible! Not to mention nonstop wide bricks. Fuck this game.Can we just shut up on content for a single day?

2k always have lots of promos but they also drop Opals then a month afterwards give you exactly the exact same player but a lower general. Additionally, it does not help madden the season has not even started yet and the Playoffs are still going onI'm convinced EA chose to see just how much money they'd earn by doing absolutely nothing this season and copying and pasting the game from last year. Then they are going to liven up madden 22 by referring to the new features that they put into next gen when those were features they had before and individuals will get hyped about it.

I would like to find out if there is a difference. My Kobe/Wade construct was that which I had success with last year so I'm gonna check that one out again.Probably a defensive shooting guard as my perimeter defender build was my favorite this year but gonna play around a lot before deciding this time.

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