
Nanlina: I finally got purple wind flowers from blues and pinks together.

I finally got purple wind flowers from blues and pinks together.

16 Sep 2020 in 07:33am
Yeah, purple windflowers are acbells weird. Regardless of them being my native flower, it took me multiple months to even get you, and it was from randoms in contrast to the ones I was trying to strain.

Same. I think that it's because I started with mums as my native flower. I had purple ones without attempting to strain.

I finally got purple wind flowers from blues and pinks together. And having just 1 buddy help water. Still awaiting the green mommy!

Island purples have various genetics compared to the purples you obtain from breeding seed whites. It's possible to breed these purples from seeds by crossing red and yellow to get hybrid yellow, and then crossing these to find the special purples.

Edit: The hybrid yellows may also have an opportunity to make green, however they make purple often and the purples have a fairly high chance of earning green.

Oh I understand they have different genetics but was unsure whether they had a better Opportunity to spawn greens compared to ones that you make yourself from seeds

I had to begin from scratch to get a green mum. First put yellow and crimson mums together. Subsequently some yellows will spawn. Put the new and only the newest yellows together. Those will produce purples. Then place those purples collectively and bada boom, bada bang, green mum.

I've some yummy hybrid reds (the type guaranteed when bred together make blue roses) if you would like them.

Thanks so much for your deal, but I'd like to attempt to get them in my own. I know that it's rather silly, but I feel like the accomplishment of having all the flowers will feel greater if it's self-sustained.

Learn from my errors! Not all purple mums are made equal. Each flower has a'DNA' of sorts with its own breeding history. Color alone will not be cheap Animal Crossing Bells sufficient.

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