
Nanlina: As much as I despise the meta, and getting hit gotta admit

As much as I despise the meta, and getting hit gotta admit

23 Jul 2020 in 04:32am
As much as I despise the winrsgold meta, and getting hit gotta admit. I enjoy seeing what defense clans that are wildy have grown into. I find it the most fascinating component of. It is really cool to see gangs take control of land leasing access to players, in a video game. Almost like it's some real life mafia #censored# (regrettably, a few men and women take this to heart a little too much). There's absolutely not any secret with what they are doing as the others have stated - they do not have any fancy deal with Jagex for the world or something. You're totally free pay for security yourself to join an alliance of clans that targets rev protection clans, or start your.

Perhaps even combine the protection clan itself. You are free to prevent multi, do wildy bosses in singles. Or simply avoid the wildy completely. Or, avoid the 10-15percent of worlds which have protection clans (and understand that random clans will still jump through randomly). At times, it is very possible you might believe with commonly pkers come through a world has protection if it doesn't. Somebody does, although this wasn't mentioned by you..

This has to be dealt with much more and is irrelevant to revs. This is the principal reason I stopped clanning - don't need to be connected with those kinds of individuals. It was enjoyable, though. And do not get me wrong, many clanners are there to join in on the fun, ignoring - because I was. There could be folks in a clan of all 100 members. (but undoubtedly more who do minor things such as rwt). Jagex is doing nothing about it? About what? Any rules does break. People have paid for matters like tbers, or to get general protection since forever.When the clans dont hold their end of the deal and essentially scam the clients, the largest problem is. And of course RWT is poor. And aren't those gamers gathering in 1 location a violation of orders that are distancing? And I don't know whether they're reporting their income into the RuneScape Revenue Service. And of course the animal abuse and illegal carry of weapons.Not really, talking from experience engaging with these protection ccs, the caves are so busy with pvmers competing for kills which it's literally (I really don't use the term lightly) impossible to pvm (especially as a Ironman) a number of the cc's are so efficiently run you could pvm uninterrupted skulled as an Ironman for 17 hours a day with no interruption from neighbouring pvmers or pkers.

It run that's it is unbelievably beneficial for everyone involved, no matter entry fee. There are many rules. Otherwise for protection revs would not be worth the time. About Rev Cave Protection I learned By the moment, I thought there'd be a swift end. I guess maybe not. It's on a different level, although I understand this is an RPG, which this is part of this. Where this kind of playstyle is the norm it could be buy RS gold loads of 27, I need to agree, from my experience with games like Eve Online. The largest problem I see (other than the RWT and robots ) is that the opposite mindset of the average OSRS participant.

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