
Maplestory2M: Lon's decisions buy gold classic wow

Lon's decisions buy gold classic wow

9 Mai 2020 in 10:26am
Lon's decisions wow classic gold have already nerfed raid content to be easier than LFR and the huge content streamers need WoW Classic shifted to their biases. Seriously f#%# it. I'll play Nostalrius two and observe Blizzard go bankrupt catering to people who roll a class like warrior, expire to par 10 murlocs and then cry in their paladin not being all powerful with a victim complex. Have fun with a transformed, broken WoW Classic based on individuals who don't realize that you can't possess 40 man raids without lots of healers, and not realizing that ALL CLASSES RESPEC TO RAID including mages, rogues and warriors. The mage frost PVE spec in ancient tiers does not have shatter.

Obvious this guy never even raided in Vanilla that is why he thinks Tier 1 and 2 had 16 debuffs (Ion lied for you idiot) and 1.12 rogues"2 taken everyone" off older movies from undergeared players, frequently at different spots, when a few individuals even had a PC that may record footage in 2004-2006. Druids are among the top 1 v 1

classes (see StormX), ele shamans wreck people (see Wrex) and hybrids are certainly not poor and they were. The people who played them such as Mash were, while calling others"casuals". Maybe you should have really learned to perform that druid rather than blaming class design for why you failed. Then again that's why you stayed on the class to have that built in justification isn't it.WoW Classic is just a miserable effort by blizzard to take over the personal server market, just as the token was supposed to extinguish the gold selling market. So ultimately idk if it's even worth to consider on the long run. Truth is peps will clearly not pick #censored# tier classes but

nevertheless most people will perform lightly because raiding does not even count anymore, there'll be no ladders no esports nothing to compete in (and additionally a shitton of retards that think's they'll be able to play on a 6-9h daily basis jumping off to 12-16h on weekends like they did when they were adolescents lul), therefore in the end high end functionality wouldn't be important anyway since the vast majority of gamers are going to be on a casual level, tbh I do not even anticipate raiding to be like 20% as busy and desiring as it had been back in the day because we would only have the actual MMORPG cheap classic wow gold experience now.

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