
Nanlina: These balloon gifts may contain a variety of things

These balloon gifts may contain a variety of things

25 Apr 2020 in 08:15am
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Balloon Guide - Gift Types And acbells More

These balloon gifts may contain a variety of things, from crafting materials to bells to rare DIY recipes, and you may also farm balloons to get the gifts you want--given you've got some patience. There are times and places they'll spawn while there is no method to get balloons to spawn on your own island. Below we detail where and when you can look for balloons, what you can expect to get from them, and much more.

For Animal Crossing tips, make sure to check out our lists of bugs and all the fish you can catch from the game. For much more advanced suggestions, have a look at our entire turnip stalk market guide and also our guide to terraforming.As you discuss your business you may see a balloon drifting by--or you may hear it initially, because balloons have a windy type of noise to them. When you encounter a balloon pull out your slingshot -- which you purchase at Nook's Cranny or can craft your self -- line up yourself beneath the balloon, and shoot. If your goal is right, the balloon will pop up along with the gift will fall into the floor.

Be cautious on where you shoot balloons, though. If you pop a balloon while it's floating over water, you run the risk of the present falling into the water and disappearing. The present can also vanish if it drops in a patch of weeds or blossoms that's too big for it to safely bounce from --there needs to be at least one free area in the area in order for it to land inside, including spaces covered in paths provided that they don't have some furniture or other items on them.There are four colours of routine balloons: red, yellow, green, and blue. These balloons can contain an assortment of items.

You may have discovered that the balloon's color determines what's in its own present --which yellow balloons always comprise bellsbut that is not true, at least with all the balloons. While we can't be sure that it's completely arbitrary, it is absolutely possible to find furniture from a yellow balloon rather than bells (for example ), and you should not dismiss certain colours if you're hoping to get a particular kind of item. There are some event balloons like the Bunny Day balloons you may have seen in the start of April, which only comprise products. In cases like this, it's fair to assume that color decides what's in buy Animal Crossing Items the gift!

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