
Maplestory2M: I am a ele shaman buy classic wow gold

I am a ele shaman buy classic wow gold

11 Apr 2020 in 04:36am
I am a ele shaman wow classic gold primary btw and I respec to heal in raids and you? Are trash. Shamans need no fans, elemental doesn't have to be workable and you are a HEAL hybridvehicle. If you are a cure hybrid that never cries offheals or dispels at a BG, you are trash. Nobody wants to play you. If you don't want to learn how to cure then do not play a heal hybrid. You know what? Don't play WoW Classic and don't play MMO's. Current WoW. You clowns crushed WoW and now want to destroy it all over again.

Blizzard will don't hesitate to go full casual retard but then they will take a look at the retail figures drop, the churn will become unsustainable completely and they will learn in practice that in order to foster participant participation they'll need to return to the old gameplay hardcore style. That will take one or two expansions then, propablly a cataclysmic type of rework. (because fuck it... at that point why not a new engine) and we will get a 1-60 incremental and almost flat but slow just like in vanila leveling speed. The old raids will become relevant again as the rewards wont turn into unworthy the minute that you jump to 61 ( item level rework to remove high jumps in electricity between the expansions) and it will take abouto 6 weeks for a casual to achieve game. More when he doesnt rush, and he will hurry because hurrying for 6 months is unsustainable for any person which means they'll be forced by the nature of WoW Classic to settle in for the long haul and get started enjoying WoW Classic as it was intended to be.

What I am concerned about iswarriors, rogues and mages being elitist cunts, believing they are so good at WoW Classic if it is simply their course being more powerful than others. I'm worried that they're going to feel entitled to boss other players around and feel as they ought to be rewarded more. It happened back in the day, it is going to happen again.I'm likely to play a balance druid in WoW Classic because I'm going to play quietly and mostly play pvp. But I can see now folks stating, balance isn't viable, you can not raid with us. No, balance is not OPTIMAL. But I don't need them to balance courses. For example, I need balance druids to have their charms mana cost reduced or partly reimbursed on crit (such as mages if they spec to it). But should they buff balance druids like this they're going to be very powerful in pvp when they already are pretty decent.

Epic mount can catch up real cheap classic wow gold quickly. The issue with everyone here is you guys are acting like this item is the absolute best when in reality its optional. Yea sequentially using things could be a benefit but you'd gave to be good at timing the gcd and most pvpers aren't capable of utilizing this item as efficiently to begin with.Cost a great

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