
Nanlina: If only most of the community and you agreed on that.

If only most of the community and you agreed on that.

9 Apr 2020 in 04:23am
I know how you feel. I remember probably they guaranteed to rework the OSRS gold Seers Village and Camelot. More than a year after and I have not heard anything from that announcement ever. Where they showed them working on the update.They cancelled the Camelot update since they spent so many years"working" on it that they now consider the upgraded graphics too dated.I despise this excuse. Not only can it be complete BS, since even an"outdated" graphic spares from 2014 would seem better than the current 2002-7 pictures, but there is content from far longer ago that still looks graphically sound today.For example, Priff was released in 2014 and it looks fantastic. Fight Kiln premiered in 2012, and surprise surprise, still looks amazing!

Not only do they possess a larger group and access to cover devs and programmers far more than they did back in 2008 however they generate a lot more revenue and profit. They also possess a wasted parternship with a Chinese tech company to learn from Eastern MMOS. I know that MMOS are scummy and PaytoWin because I have played, but they look and play much better than RS3. Inept direction that do not know what to do if it comes to making a fun game as they don't have the enthusiasm and leadership the original Gower brothers needed just leads jagex.

Purchasing a little more money into a correct full visual upgrade of the entire game (and several areas are already gorgeous and finished ) would substantially increase Runescape player retention. Or at least play into it, if they improved the new-Runescape player experience. And that is exactly what their focus should be. Not on content for the ultra elite, of which there is already so much content it's borderline lunacy. To do everything in Runescape game can take thousands of hours. We're talking level of grinding insanity.

That is enough for now.Jagex please focus on revamping abilities, polishing zones, eliminating or restore content that is dead, etc.. Make the game as pristine as most of its mechanics, areas and systems are, instead of ignoring the sepsis rot that is slowly poisoning the bunch. An illustration of this done correctly, the mining and smithing rework. Top-notch.

If only most of the community and you agreed on that. A good deal of people are so stuck in their bubbles they don't recognize that Jagex's focus absolutely should not be on the ultra elite. From time to time, I provide the community a lot of blame for expecting a lot of new high level content constantly and complaining about limitation weeks where it does not seem like much is changing, but the simple fact is a good deal of aspects of Runescape sport are seriously in need of polishing and RuneScape needs new Runescape players more than it requires to buy RS gold keep completionists busy.

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