
smrtsmith: EA Sports reveals Madden NFL 11 soundtrack

EA Sports reveals Madden NFL 11 soundtrack

25 Marz 2019 in 03:39am

EA Sports has confirmed what has upcoming sports monster title, Madden NFL 11, will ship having a disc that boasts music. Some music you've heard before, some haven't, and mmoah.com several you wished you was without to. But here they're, the 23 tracks you can be playing while you sack, juke, and touchdown around digital stadiums this August.
The song listing will contain original recordings, cover tracks, and mmoah also a team fight songs. Also, not just one, but two Ozzy Osbourne songs -- "Let Me Hear Your Scream" and "Crazy Train." The former probably included as being a requisite so you can get the rights on the latter, because "Crazy Train" is awesome realizing that other song is obviously some new Ozzy song that have been on CSI.

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