
smrtsmith: MapleStory 2’s First Update Adds New Boss Monsters And The Clocktower Plaza

MapleStory 2’s First Update Adds New Boss Monsters And The Clocktower Plaza

11 Febr 2019 in 03:59am

The first update for MapleStory 2 given it went within the moment are currently in South Korea on July 7th increased the extent cap from 40-45, and added rewarding, bosses, and MS2 Mesos dungeons (thanks OrangeMushroom).
First off, when using the newest level cap, all through the jobs inside the sport got four potentially profitable potentially profitable innovative skills each (active and passive), which were already unlockable upon reaching levels 32, 34, 36, and 40.
This first update also made is frequently so that Field Bosses and Buy MS2 Mesos Dungeon Bosses are in reality certainly going to drop equipment items using your own job. Speaking of which, you will notice new five new Field Bosses to ascertain. They are as follows:
The final big addition that arrived making use on this update will probably be a total new area known since Clocktower Plaza. Its nearby areas was opened making sure that you are in a position to travel around somewhat more. There’s another supplementary 1-person dungeon, along with new Party Dungeons (four people) and Boss Dungeons (10 people).

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