
smrtsmith: Runescape has generated over $800m in revenue since 2001 launch

Runescape has generated over $800m in revenue since 2001 launch

28 Nov 2018 in 03:45am

Speaking at Develop: Brighton, Phil Mansell - the CEO of Jagex - declared Runescape has generated well over $800m (£605m) above the action’s 17 year life.
The MMO has compounded over 250m player accounts and despite its age, Mansell claims that the sport’s users list remains to be consistently growing.
Why would be the game RuneScape Gold still seeing success? Mansell thinks it’s due to Jagex’s consistent support towards the game. It fits. The Runescape I played myself on winter evenings as a 16 years old can be a thousand miles from which the sport is in now, with several new iterations using the game raising the graphics, gameplay and also the underlying engine. This, as well as all the group’s support of the community: via interactions with the forums, web 2 . . 0 and Cheap RuneScape Gold in-game, but together with all the support making use of their popular Deadman Invitational battle royale event, has ensured the knowledge’s success within a competitive market which include slowly

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